Hypothetical examples of where David might try to escape are given here. He first asserted that the Lord is present in the heavens above and in Sheol below. These opposites signify that all areas in between are also in the Lord’s presence.Moreover, if he could fly at the speed of light (the wings of the dawn) from the east across the sky to the west (far side of the Mediterranean Sea) he could not escape from the Lord.God’s presence then began to take on a new meaning for the psalmist, as if the light were dawning on him. Now, he stated, the hand of the Lord would lead and comfort him.
SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
Today we see that another name that God calls himself is El Shaddai - which means “I am your all powerful God.” I like that about God – He is mighty. He is all powerful. And, He wants to give us His power to live our lives on. The foundational truth about God today is this; you and I don’t have to live powerless lives. You and I don’t have to look for other sources of power. God says, “I want you to have My power today and everyday.”
But folks, God doesn’t want us to just talk about power. He wants us to access it. 1 Corinthians 4:20 says “The kingdom of God is not just fancy talk. It is living by God’s power. ” I love that verse – you know why? It says the Christian life isn’t just a bunch of talk. So many times, all we do in the church is talk. Talk, talk, talk, talk. God says the Christian life is more than that – it’s more than talk and wishful thinking, it is power – power to overcome – power for victory – power to overcome problems – power to deal with difficult people – power to deal with your past – power to cope with the present – power to prepare for the future.
Basically, Psalm 68:35 sums it by saying “God is awesome. He gives power and strength to His people. Praise the Lord” When can I count on God’s power? All the time, but especially…
#1. When I’m tired.
I can count on God’s power when I’m tired. I don’t even have to ask you if you are tired. I can see it in your faces. I know that by the fact that we live in the San Ramon Valley that most of us are tired.
Obviously there are some things that you and I can do to slow the pace of our lives down, but in the midst of this, God makes us a promise. Isaiah 40 says, “The Lord is the everlasting God. He never grows tired or weary. He strengthens those who are weak and tired. Those who trust the Lord for help will find their strength renewed. He gives power to those who are tired and worn out; He offers strength to the weak.”
I know some of you… you need to memorize this verse! Write it down and put it by your toothbrush, get a tattoo of it on your body, shave it on the side of your dog! I don’t care where you put it, just put it someplace where you can be reminded of it. It’s a great verse. God’s power is unlimited. He never gets tired. He never gets weary. He never goes to bed.
Would you like to tap into that kind of power? It’s available.
When else can I count on God’s power?
#2. When I’ve got nothing to offer.
This can be in a relationship where you feel like, “I don’t have anything left to give.” It could be with one of your children: “I just don’t know what s/he wants from me!” It could be with your job: “I’m in over my head!” God says, “I’ll give you power when you don’t feel like you’ve got anything to offer.” In my notes I have written “inadequate”. When you feel inadequate.
Every week, I teach/preach here at COV, I feel inadequate! Every week I prepare a message and am plagued by doubt – “will this connect, will this make sense, will this be life changing?” I mean, here’s the truth – I just don’t know if the message will connect. So, I pray and I pray. I listen to the Holy Spirit and what He has to say and then I just go for it. And then, every once in a while someone will come up to me and say, “That makes sense. You were speaking my language today.”
You see, when I feel inadequate, when I feel like I am useless, when I feel like I have got nothing to offer, God says, “My power will show up when you’re weak.” Paul said to God, “I’ve got this affliction. Will You take it away from me?” God said no. “My power shows up best in weak people.” God makes a promise. When you feel inadequate. When you feel like you’ve got nothing to offer, He will invade your life with His power. Do you need to tap into a power like that? It’s available.
When else can I count on God’s power?
#3. I can count On God’s power when I’m tempted.
One of the reasons that some of the pain is in our life is because we haven’t had the power to say no to temptation. Paul understood this. Romans 7 “I often find that I have the will to do good, but no the power.” Can anybody relate to that one? “I want to do it but I don’t have the power!” Temptation is out there!
Bumper sticker: “Lead us not into temptation; I’m perfectly capable of finding it on my own.” I can relate to that. If you’re setting there saying, “I’m not tempted,” you’re what’s called… dead! Liar. Temptation is inevitable but the good news is God won’t let us be tempted beyond our own capacity to handle that. God is faithful and gives you the power to say no.
You name the temptation – chocolate cake, Internet pornography, gossip, lying for a job interview, cheating on your taxes – when you’re tempted, God gives you the power to say no. It says in the Bible, in 1 Corinthians 10 “Every temptation that has come your way is the kind that normally comes to people. But God keeps His promise, and He will not allow you to be tempted beyond your power to resist. At the time you are tempted He will give you strength to endure it and so provide you with a way out.” The promise is this: there’s always a way out. God says, I want to give you the power for the way out. The power is there!
The bottom line to these promises is I feel like God’s saying, “When you are burned out and tired I want to give you My power. In the midst of your feeling inadequate wit life, I want to give you power. When you feel like you’re tempted beyond your control, I want to give you My power.” That’s the good news of today. We don’t have to live powerless, weak lives.
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course.
Thank you :)