SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
James continues his focus on trials and moves to a more specific trial, temptation. When our circumstances are difficult, we may find ourselves complaining against God, questioning His love, and resisting His will. At this point, Satan provides us with an opportunity to escape the difficulty. This opportunity is a temptation. Satan will do whatever it takes to hinder our walk with the Lord.
James said, "Look ahead and see where sin ends—death!" Do not blame God for temptation. He is too holy to be tempted, and He is too loving to tempt others. God does test us, as He did Abraham (Gen. 22); but He does not and cannot tempt us. It is not in God’s character! When we look at sin in our earthly nature and understanding we see it as a single act. “When I stole that beef jerky, I sinned.” God sees the process in our lives when we sin. God sees the desire turn into deception. Once we feel like doing something wrong, we lie to ourselves and justify our actions. We deceive ourselves! Deception then turns to disobedience. We justify to ourselves and then act on the temptation. We become disobedient and fall to the temptation. James then raises the bar and says disobedience leads us to death. It may take awhile for the sin to mature in our lives but it will lead to death. James is not writing about a physical death but a spiritual death.
Romans 6:23
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The cost of sin is death, eternal death, but there is good news. God has given us the greatest gift ever! We have forgiveness through His Son, Jesus. Verse 17 goes on to talk about the gifts of our Father. Not only the gift of Christ but also everything good we have comes from God. There are three truths we can find in James 1:17.
1.) God gives only good gifts
Everything good in this world comes from God. If it did not come from God, it is not good. If it comes from God, it must be good, even if we do not see the goodness in it immediately. Paul's thorn in the flesh was given to him by God and it seemed to be a strange gift; but it became a tremendous blessing to him (2 Cor. 12:1-10).
2.) He gives constantly
“Coming down” could be translated, "it keeps on coming down." God does not give occasionally; He gives constantly. Even when we do not see His gifts, He is sending them.
3.) God does not change
There are no shadows with the Father of Lights. It is impossible for God to change. He cannot change for the worse because He is holy; He cannot change for the better because He is already perfect. The light of the sun varies as the earth rotates, but the sun is always shining. If distance and shadows come between us and God, He did not cause them. He is the unchanging God. This means that we should never question His love or doubt His goodness when difficulties come or temptations appear.
When I think about these truths about God I can’t help falling more in love with Him. God is good all the time! All the time God is good! James 1:17 reminds me of some words from a worship song by The David Crowder Band called Doxology.
Praise God, from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him, all creature here below
Praise Him above, ye heavenly host
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Will you take some time today and thank God for all the good things you have in your life? You can make the words from that song a prayer of praise today.
Make it happen.
-Pastor Matt
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