To hate what is wrong means turning toward what is good and clinging to it. This principle is practiced when we are able to detest an evil act while practicing compassion toward the one who has done it. This principle is also important regarding the exercise of spiritual gifts. Believers must always be careful that the use of their gifts does not lead them to unloving or evil motives, attitudes, or actions.
Believers are to show brotherly love to fellow believers, and respect all the gifted people in the church, not just those whose gifts are visible. That’s the only way that the body of Christ can function effectively and make a positive impact on the unbelieving world. The Greek word for genuine affection pictures the type of loyalty and affection that family members have for one another. This kind of love allows for weaknesses and imperfections, communicates, deals with problems, affirms others, and has a strong commitment and loyalty to others. Such a bond will hold any church together no matter what problems come from without or within.
God’s command for us to delight in honoring each other involves love. To honor means to give a person high value and respect. As Christians, we honor people because they have been created in God’s image, because they are our brothers and sisters in Christ, and because they have a unique contribution to make to Christ’s church.
As believers who serve the Lord enthusiastically. This means that we should look forward with happy anticipation to all that God is planning for us. We don’t have to fear our future when it is in God’s hands. Christ is the reason that we can be joyful. When we face trouble or persecution, we are to be patient, for we know God is in control. A trademark of believers is prayer, for it is our lifeline to God. We must always be prayerful, both individually and corporately.
SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
Jesus said in John 13:34-35 "By this shall all men know that you're My disciples that you have love one for another." Jesus says that the number one characteristic of a believer is love.
In this passage we're going to look at today we're going to look at the foundation for our relationships, relationships with other believers, with non believers, with difficult people. The basis for that is love. The question becomes How do I show love? Three key ways...
In this passage we're going to look at today we're going to look at the foundation for our relationships, relationships with other believers, with non believers, with difficult people. The basis for that is love. The question becomes How do I show love? Three key ways...
#1. Be Genuine. Love is genuine. Don't wear masks. "Love must be sincere." In the New American Standard it says, "Love is without hypocrisy" -- without a mask. Paul is saying Love does not wear a mask. If we're ever going to have a loving church we've got to take off the masks. We've got to be real and genuine. If you're going to love people you've got to be yourself. The problem is a lot of time we don't even realize when we're wearing a mask.
One phrase I hate: "I don't like that person, but I love them in the Lord." As if you could divorce your human feelings from your spiritual feelings. When I hear someone say, "I love them in the Lord" it really means "I can't stand their guts!" If you're going to love them, you're just going to love them!
He's saying, Don't be a phony. There's a lot of phony love out there today. The Hollywood people... everybody loves everybody but nobody really loves anybody. Its a phony kind of love. One of the worst sins, I think, in the Bible, was when Judas kissed Jesus when he betrayed Him. That's phony love. He betrayed Him with a kiss.
Why don't we love genuinely? I think a lot of times it's because we're afraid to love. A book came out a number of years ago, Why Am I Afraid to Love? I'm afraid to love because loving means I've got to expose myself and if I expose myself as I really am you may not like me and I'm all I've got! If I show you what I'm like and you don't like it that's tough luck! I'm in trouble! It's risky to love. We're insecure and afraid of being rejected.
One phrase I hate: "I don't like that person, but I love them in the Lord." As if you could divorce your human feelings from your spiritual feelings. When I hear someone say, "I love them in the Lord" it really means "I can't stand their guts!" If you're going to love them, you're just going to love them!
He's saying, Don't be a phony. There's a lot of phony love out there today. The Hollywood people... everybody loves everybody but nobody really loves anybody. Its a phony kind of love. One of the worst sins, I think, in the Bible, was when Judas kissed Jesus when he betrayed Him. That's phony love. He betrayed Him with a kiss.
Why don't we love genuinely? I think a lot of times it's because we're afraid to love. A book came out a number of years ago, Why Am I Afraid to Love? I'm afraid to love because loving means I've got to expose myself and if I expose myself as I really am you may not like me and I'm all I've got! If I show you what I'm like and you don't like it that's tough luck! I'm in trouble! It's risky to love. We're insecure and afraid of being rejected.
#2. Be careful of other's needs. Be courteous. Be sensitive to the needs. v. 10 says, "Be devoted to one another in brotherly love." This is really a kind of play on words in the Greek. There are four Greek words for love: sexual love, godly love (sacrificial love), brotherly love, family love.
This word, brotherly love, in Greek is really two words put together. It's the only time it's used in the entire Bible. It literally means a family relationship. It says we as believers, are to have a family kind of love.
What is brotherly love? It's the ability to live close together with mutual respect. It suggests a family relationship. It means to be tender and affectionate in your love for other Christians. We ought to be affectionate towards each other as believers in the body of Christ. We do a lot of hugging here and that's good. I talk to people who say, "The only hugs I get are the hugs on Sunday. I come to church just to get that love." Folks, that is brotherly love on display. If people can't find that in the church, we might as well close up shop.
This word, brotherly love, in Greek is really two words put together. It's the only time it's used in the entire Bible. It literally means a family relationship. It says we as believers, are to have a family kind of love.
What is brotherly love? It's the ability to live close together with mutual respect. It suggests a family relationship. It means to be tender and affectionate in your love for other Christians. We ought to be affectionate towards each other as believers in the body of Christ. We do a lot of hugging here and that's good. I talk to people who say, "The only hugs I get are the hugs on Sunday. I come to church just to get that love." Folks, that is brotherly love on display. If people can't find that in the church, we might as well close up shop.
#3. Be contagious with enthusiasm. Be on fire with the Spirit. Spiritual fervor, literally in Greek is spiritual boiling -- super hot for God. V. 11 says,"Never be lacking in zeal but keep your spiritual fervor serving the Lord." Have you noticed that some people have no intensity about anything? They don't get excited about anything. Can you imagine newlyweds having no excitement or intensity? I know a lot of Christians like that. They are the most unenthusiastic witness. Like "You wouldn't want to come to Jesus, would you?" Get some enthusiasm! "Never be lacking in zeal."
#4. Romans 12:12 says, "Be joyful in hope, be patient in affliction, faithful in prayer." He says three things here. If you're going to build a loving church you need to be positive, patient and prayerful. Joyful in hope, patient in affliction, patient in prayer.
Why don't you evaluate yourself in these four areas of life today. How are you doing? I pray you are helping build a loving church at COV. Stay faithful. Stay the course.
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