Paul after addressing about not being carnal but reminding us of being raised with Christ at the beginning of chapter 3 in the first 11 verses, and later clearly explains the character of New Man in vv 12-17.From vv 18 to 25 of chapter 3 he gives a set of rules for a Christian home. When a family lives out these sets of rules it certainly brings holiness in to the home. It is important that we build our homes where every member of the family seeks to live a holy and pleasing life in the sight of God.
So What?
The word of God not only changes lives, but also families. The first institution God founded on earth was the home (Gen. 2:18-25; Mt. 19:1-6). As goes the home, so go the culture and the nation.
Col. 3:18 Wives, submit to your own husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.
Paul begins detailing the principles that when followed brings holiness in to the home by first addressing the wife, telling her to submit to her own husband.
The word submission comes from the military vocabulary and simply means “to arrange under rank.” Husbands and wives have different ranks and different corresponding job descriptions in the family. His responsibility is headship and her responsibility is to follow his lead.
Wise headship will consult with the helpmeet God gave him to make the best decisions: “there is wisdom in a multitude of counsel.”
When a wife is submitted to the Lord and to her own husband, she experiences a release and fulfillment that comes no other way.
Col. 3:19 Husbands, love your wives and do not be bitter toward them.
The husband carries an even stronger responsibility—to love (“agapeo”) his wife.He is to be sacrificial, demonstrating the same kind of love as Christ gave to His church (Eph. 5:18).
Paul added a special word of warning for the husbands: “And do not be bitter toward them.”
Husbands must be careful not to harbor ill will toward their wives because of something they did or didn’t do. Husbands and wives must be open with each other and not hide their feelings, but speak the truth in love (Eph. 4:15). A wife has little difficulty submitting to a husband who loves her. The husband’s love for his wife is seen in his sacrifice for her, and the wife’s love for her husband is seen in her submission to him. Lets build our lives and homes based on the word of God.
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