These verses today include five sample maxims about relationships with others, with verses 27-31 each beginning with the words Do not. These are examples of what it means to be wise. They may be grouped into three relationships: (1) The command Do not withhold good from those who deserve it is literally, “Do not withhold good from its owners.” The idea is, fulfill an obligation such as paying wages to a hired laborer (Lev. 19:13; Deut. 24:15). Proverbs 3:28 seems to reinforce the point by saying we are also to be generous to the poor.
(2) To harm... a neighbor violates his trust, and to accuse him falsely violates the ninth commandment (Ex. 20:16). To plot translates “to plow,” from which comes the idea of plans being thought up or devised as furrows in a field are plowed. (3) Some people envy a violent man because they see the money he has or the pleasures he supposedly enjoys. But God gives four reasons why such envy is uncalled for: (1) The Lord hates such a perverse person, whereas the upright in contrast enjoys fellowship with God. (2) The Lord curses the wicked but... blesses... the righteous. (3) God mocks arrogant mockers, causing their actions to boomerang on them, whereas the humble receive His grace (James. 4:6). (4) The wise are honored but fools are shamed. These verses show that the words “upright,” “righteous,” “the humble,” and “the wise” are basically synonymous in the Book of Proverbs.
SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
Today I want to talk a bit about your reputation. Here is the truth - In our world you can make a name for yourself in a million and one different ways.
All you have to do is read the Guinness Book of World Records. Swallow the most goldfish or have the longest mustache or the most consecutive sneezes or the most pimples -- something. As long as you've done the most or the fewest of anything you can make a name for yourself.
My question to you this morning is this - what kind of name are you making for yourself? The Bible says that having a good reputation is important. In fact, in the book of 1 Timothy it says that one of the qualifications for spiritual leadership is to have a good reputation.
It's important to earn a good name in life. That’s what we I want to look at this morning. Ecclesiastes 7:1 (LB) says, "A good reputation is better than the most expensive perfume." And you know what? A good reputation costs more too. It will cost you plenty to earn a good name in life.
Folks, God cares that you have a good name – it’s important to Him. Proverbs 22:1- says, "A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold." Self worth is more important than net worth. It's better to have a good name, a good reputation, than it is to be a millionaire.
The bottom line of what I want to say today is that the Bible says the key to a good reputation is CHARACTER -- your inner desires, your drives, your motivations, your convictions, the beliefs that motivate you to act and respond in a certain way. Character is what you are on the inside.
Somebody said once that reputation is what other people think you are, character is what you really are. Character is what you are in the dark. Character is what you have left when you've lost everything there is to lose and the only thing you have left is character. It takes a lifetime to build character. The key to a earning a good name in life is to build character in your life.
THE PROBLEM: We're more interested in image than in character. How do I look? What does everybody else think? Am I in style? We're way more concerned with image that character – our style instead of substance.
Today I want us to see five character qualities from the Bible. I guarantee you, that if you will build these five qualities into your life, you will be respected. You'll make and earn a good name for yourself.
Proverbs in 27:21(TEV) says “Fire tests gold and silver; a person's reputation can also be tested.” I like the idea that our reputation can be tested. Let’s do that today - let's use this as a test today so you can evaluate yourself on each of these character qualities and see if you have earned a good name in this life.
The Bible says respect is earned through integrity. Proverbs 17:7 (GN) says, "Respected people do not tell lies." Malcolm Forbes, who started Forbes Magazine, said that integrity is the basis for all true blue success. It is the foundation, the cornerstone. Without it you don't have genuine success. You need integrity.
America is in a crisis of integrity. It is affecting every area of our nation. In the military; we've got people selling secrets for sex and money. In business; we've got Wall Street brokers serving prison terms because of price fixing. In religion; we've got national ministries collapsing due to scandals. Assaulted by sleaze, scandals and hypocrisy America searches for its moral bearings. That is a crisis of integrity. The Bible says if you want to be respected, if you want to earn a good name in this life -be a person of integrity. Don’t sell out, don’t give in, don’t go along with the crowd. Stand firm , even if it means standing alone
Proverbs 10:9 says "The man of integrity walks securely but he who takes crooked paths will be found out." The person of integrity has no skeletons in his closet so he can walk with confidence.
Proverbs 20:7 says "It is a wonderful heritage to have an honest father." Dads, one of the greatest gifts you can give your children is to be a man of integrity so that your kids can say, "When dad says it, it's the truth.” If you want to earn a good name in life it's earned through integrity.
Proverbs 29:23 says "Arrogance will bring your downfall, but if you are humble, you will be respected." Arrogance & pride are the causes for most downfalls. Be humble or you'll stumble. 1 Peter 5:5 says, "Clothe yourself in humility." That's really dressing for success. That's never out of style. The Bible also says, "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble. . . . Before honor is humility. . . . Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall."
If you're not humble you stumble. The fact is every person you ever will meet is better than you at something. We're all better at different things. The truth ought to be if I'm really humble, I'll learn from everybody! The evidence of humility is Proverbs 13:18 (GN) "Anyone who listens to correction is respected."
Do you listen to correction? How easy is it for you to admit it when you're wrong? Proverbs 28:13 (LB) says “A man who refuses to admit his mistakes can never be successful. But if he confesses and forsakes them, he gets another chance.” Bottom line, God says if you will come clean about who you are, about what you have done, and if you will start going my way, living by my principles, you’ll get another chance to build your life, buld your reputation, build a good name.
We all admire people who can be counted on, who are reliable and trustworthy, consistent, faithful. Proverbs 25:15 says "Like clouds and wind without rain is a man who boasts of gifts he does not give." Have you ever met anybody like that? "One of these days I'm gonna..." but they never do it. They are long on promises and short on performance. Napoleon once said, "Promise everything, deliver nothing." He would have gotten along quite nicely in our society wouldn’t he have?
Several years ago, we had a building campaign at our church in Mclean, Virginia. The three largest gifts that were promised, none of them were ever given. The folks who said they would do it, didn’t come through. I’ve never forgotten that.
I have been convicted about making promises, as a parent, to my kids and not keeping them. It is so easy when you're tired, busy, or just want to get them out of your hair, to make promises and then later you're too tired to preform. Children begin to say, "Is dad dependable? Is mom reliable? Do they keep their promises? Can they be counted on?"
Psalm 15:4-5 says "He who keeps his oath even when it hurts will never be shaken." Reliability promotes stability. If you want to earn agood reputation in life, it doesn’t come cheap. It will cost you. So you need to ask yourself “Do I keep my promises? Can I be counted on? When I say it, does my word stand?”
Psalm 112:9 says "He who gives generously to the needy and shows kindness will be powerful and respected." Isn’t that an awesome verse? Folks, no one is ever respected for what they've received. They are only respected and honored for what they have given. No one is ever respected for something they've inherited. They are respected and honored for what they gave in life.
How many of you know the name Andrew Carnigie? After retiring in 1901 at the age of 66 as the world's richest man, Carnegie wanted to become a philanthropist, a person who gives money to good causes. He believed in the "Gospel of Wealth," which meant that wealthy people were morally obligated to give their money back to others in society.
When Andrew Carnegie died they were going through his person effects and in his desk they found a small piece of paper that he had written on as young man -- his life goal. Written in his early twenties, it said: "I want to spend the first half of my life accumulating as much money as I can and I want to spend the second half of my life giving it all away." He was so motivated and inspired by that goal that during his lifetime Andrew Carnegie amassed a personal fortune of over 450 million dollars. During the second half of his life, he gave it all away
There's one problem with that -- none of us are guaranteed the second half of life. So if you're going to become a generous person you better start now because you're not even assured of tomorrow. TD Jakes, one of the great preachers of our day said it like this Do your givin' while you're livin' then you'll be knowin' where it's goin'. Give it now. When it comes to giving, stop at nothing to meet the need of others. Become a generous person and you'll make a name for yourself.
Proverbs 3:4-6 (LB) says "If you want favor with both God and man, and a reputation for good judgement and common sense, then trust the Lord completely; in everything you do, put God first, and he will direct you, and crown your efforts with success." Basically, this verse says that spirituality brings not only favor with God, it brings favor with man. It gives you a reputation. People are naturally drawn to those who genuinely love God and put God first in every area of their lives.
I am not talking about those who fake it. I am not talking about those who pretend. I am not talking about a pious, sentimental, syrupy spirituality where you go around saying "Praise the Lord!... I was so blessed today, I had a hamburger and it was glorious! But then I went home and my husband grieved my spirit." (She really means "He ticked me off!")
I'm not talking about some super, phony spirituality, but people who are real and genuinely love God are respected even by unbelievers. Folks, it is not by accident that Billy Graham has been one of the ten most admired men in America consistently every year on that list for the last 30 years. He's real and he's a person of integrity. People like Mother Teresa. Even unbelievers admired her because she was deeply spiritual.
Folks, this kind of spirituality doesn’t come cheap. It is earned day after day of meeting with the Lord. It is earned week after week of service and selflessness. It is earned year after year of putting others before yourself.
I love what Proverbs 31:30-31 says "Charm is deceptive and beauty disappears, but a woman who honors the Lord should be praised... She deserves the respect of everyone." You know whay I love it? Because I married a wife who lives out that verse. She has honored the Lord, in quiet selfless service day after day, week after week, year after year for as long as I’v know her.
She has earned a good name through honoring the Lord.
Let’s finish this morning by looking at Proverbs 10:7. It says "Good people will be remembered as a blessing, but the wicked will soon be forgotten." Not to be a downer, but let me ask you, when you die, what are people going to remember about you? What are your kids going to remember most about you? What will they be saying at your funeral?
The Bible says that good people are remembered as a blessing. Wouldn't it be great to die and to have our kids say, "One of the greatest blessings in my life was that I had godly parents. I had parents who were full of integrity. They were humble and dependable. They kept their promises. They were generous. They were givers. They put God first in every area of life.
That's the kind of thing that can happen. Isn’t that great news? But folks, that kind of character takes God in your life. Earning that kind of name in life can happen if you allow His Spirit to control your life. You can build a solid reputation if you will focus on character not image, and you focus on making a life more than making a living.
HOW? It all starts by giving your life to Jesus Christ and making Him #1 in your life! Would you pray this prayer in your heart?
"God, I want to become a person of character. I want to be known, Lord, for the character in my life, not for how much money I had or who knew me or my image. Father, I ask You to make me a person of integrity. I ask You to help me to be open to correction, to realize that I don't have all the answers, to admit it when I'm wrong. Father, would You help me to keep my promises. Help me to have a word that is good and dependable and reliable.
I want my life to count. Father, help me to be a generous person. Teach me to give -- to You and to others -- not with a stingy attitude, but with a cheerful attitude. Father, help me to become a spiritual person, to put You first in every area of life, to trust You completely."
Would you pray this morning, "Jesus Christ I want my life to be a blessing to other people. I want people to be blessed because they were around me and I give my life to You." You may be Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, Mormon, Buddhist, God doesn’t care what your background is, and either do we here at COV. But today you need a relationship to Jesus Christ and if you've never opened up your life to Him, in your heart say, "Jesus Christ come into my life and begin making the changes that I want and that You want."
Father, I pray that You would build character in each of our lives for we know that strong churches and strong families are built on character and not on image. Jesus Christ, make us what we want to be and what You want us to be. For we pray it in Your name and for Your sake. Amen.
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course.
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