Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day #223: 1 Timothy 3:13-16

So What? (What will you do with what you read today?)

Paul concludes his instruction about deacons in verse 13. Though the position of deacon seems by worldly standards to be menial and unattractive, to close followers of Jesus Christ it looks quite different. Those who fulfill their servant roles faithfully gain two things.

1.) An excellent standing before fellow Christians who understand and appreciate the beauty of humble, selfless, Christlike service

2.) Great assurance in their faith in Christ Jesus.

Humble service, which lacks all the rewards the world deems important, becomes a true test of one’s motives. Here one discovers for himself whether or not his efforts are truly prompted by a Christlike spirit of selfless service. When a deacon has indeed “served well” his ministry builds confidence in the sincerity of his own faith in Christ.

In verse 14, Paul moves on from the instructions and qualifications for elders and deacons and moves on to more instruction for the church. The clearly stated purpose of these instructions is to inform the Ephesian congregation how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household. Again Paul used the analogy of the “household” to refer to the church. This merges into an architectural image involving the church as pillar and
foundation of the truth. Paul had been discussing proper godly conduct in the church, behavior which is in every way consistent with the truth, rather than contrary to the sound doctrine. In 3:16 he expressed a simple idea which becomes difficult due only to its
compactness. This truth about godliness being a mystery means that it was hidden but
now is revealed. Paul cited the content of this truth in the form of an excerpt from an early hymn about Christ, who is the essence of the “mystery”. There are six elements of
the excerpt.

1) Appeared in a body
This refers to the Incarnation of Christ.

2) Was vindicated by the Spirit

This refers to God’s demonstration through the Resurrection, by the Holy Spirit, that the crucified Jesus is Lord and Messiah.

3) Was seen by angels
This refers to His exaltation before the heavenly realm

4) Was preached among the nations

5) Was believed on in the world
This refers to the progressive fulfillment of God’s redemptive plan through His preordained means

6) Was taken up in glory
This refers to the Ascension.

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