Paul prays for the believers - this time praying that God who gives hope will also keep them happy and full of peace as they anticipate what God has in store for them. Then, the believers can overflow with hope through the power of the Holy Spirit. It is by the power of the Holy Spirit that God accomplishes his care for his people—giving them endurance, encouragement, unity (15:5), hope, joy, and peace. Hope comes as a by-product of the Holy Spirit’s work. It does not come from our own senses or experiences.
SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
Where does POWER come from to live life as God designed?
"So the angel explained that it was the following message of the Lord to Zerubbabel: I am the Lord All-Powerful. So don't depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit." Zechariah 4:6 (CEV)
The POWER to live the Christian life does not come from self-help books or seminars. It doesn't come from Tony Robbins or Oprah. It doesn't come from inside of you. The POWER comes from the Lord.
How do we obtain this POWER?
"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." Acts 1:8 (NIV)
You get this POWER when you receive Jesus Christ into your heart. This POWER flows as you submit your life to God's will and way. When we thumb our nose at God and choose to do our own thing, we put out the Spirit's POWER.
"Do not put out the Spirit's fire; do not treat prophecies with contempt.
Test everything. Hold on to the good. Avoid every kind of evil."
1 Thessalonians 5:19-22 (NIV)
Where in your life do you need to power of God to show up? In your marriage? In your diet? At your workplace? In the life of your kids? Start praying right now. Ask God to pour out His Spirit.
Ponder these things today. I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course. ENDURE!!
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