The next six characteristic of the righteous is that they speaks... (3) do no harm or (4) discredit his neighbor. A neighbor (or friend) is anyone with whom he comes in contact. A blameless individual’s remarks do not harm or destroy any neighbor.
(5) Also a righteous person despises... vile people and honors believers who fear the Lord. A person who is “vile” is a reprobate, one who is worthless. But one who fears the Lord is living a life of faith and obedience.
(6) A righteous person also keeps his oath even when it hurts. Even if he took an oath rashly, he would conscientiously keep his word.(7) He does not lend his money for usury (literally this means “he does not put the bite on them”). He does not take advantage of one who must borrow. Taking interest from fellow Israelites was forbidden as unbrotherly (Ex. 22:25; Lev. 25:36).
(8) A righteous person does not take bribes against the innocent. The Law of course forbade this (Deut. 27:25). Instead a righteous person champions the cause of the innocent and the needy.
David concluded that one who follows this pattern of life will never be shaken. Not only will he enjoy fellowship in the Lord’s presence, but also he will experience divine blessing and security.
The fact that there are 10 descriptions of one who qualifies to abide with the Lord (sincere, righteous, honest, without slander, without doing wrong, without reproaching, distinguishes between good and evil, keeps his oath, does not take interest, does not accept bribes) suggests a comparison with the Ten Commandments (though the two lists do not correspond in every item). Obedience to God’s revealed will is the requirement for full participation in the sanctuary.
SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
I must put these things into practice - in my life - daily.
THE PURPOSE OF THE BIBLE IS life change! Specifically to change our character and our conduct. To change our character, meaning that the man of God may be perfect, mature, complete. And to change our conduct, meaning that we replace bad works with good works.
Look at this in the good news translation of 2 Timothy 3:16-17 “…so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped TO DO every kind of good deed.”
Notice the phrase TO DO. It’s always action oriented, it is not content oriented, it is not history oriented, it is not grammar or theology oriented, its action oriented.
Now look at this. It’s not a verse, it’s John Calvin. Of course, for some of you, that is scripture. “The Word of God is not to teach us to prattle or be eloquent and subtle…it is to reform our lives, so that we desire to serve God, to give ourselves entirely to him, and to conform ourselves to his good will.”
I like it the way D.L. Moody says it even better “The bible was not given to increase our knowledge but to change our lives.” That is it.
THE BIBLE IS NOT a history book. IT IS a manual for life. It has history in it but that is not the purpose – to teach what happened in history. It is a manual for life. Now notice what Jesus said in John 6:63 (NIV) “The words I have spoken to you are Spirit and they are Life.”
Paul says in Philippians 2:16 (NIV) “…we hold out the word of Life.”
John says in 1 John 1:1 (NIV) “…this we proclaim concerning the Word of Life.”
Luke tells us in Acts 5:20 KJV) “Go, stand and speak in the temple to the people all the words of this Life.”
Jesus said in John 10:10 (NIV) “I have come that you might have Life…”
Jesus did not say “I have come that you might have information”. Jesus did not say “I have come that you might have doctrine”. Jesus said “I have come that you might have life”.
The bible reveals how to live. How to live in relationship with God. Love him with all your heart. How to live in relationship with everybody else. Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus said…you can summarize the whole bible in those two statements.
One day a guy comes to Jesus and said “What’s the most important?” Jesus said, I’m going to give you cliff notes on the bible. Here it is to summarize the whole bible. Love God and love other people. That’s it. It’s about life!
How many sermons have you heard preached that are lifeless? They’re lifeless. They’re about something that happened a long time ago rather than using something that happened a long time ago to make life change right now. Now here’s the implication. Any other use of the bible is secondary. The primary purpose of the bible is to change lives. That’s what we preach for here at COV, that’s what we do ministry for. That’s what discipleship is all about.
Lord, change lives here at COV. Protect us from being pompous or religious. I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course. ENDURE!
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