After the test comes the final step.
#4. STEP FOUR: GIDEON'S TRANSFORMATION: God will empower me! (6:34)
That's where Gideon receives God's power in his life. v. 34 "Then the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon." Now he's ready for service, ready to be a leader.
The secret of Gideon's life is that now God is working through him. "The Spirit came upon Gideon" Folks, here is a huge truth you need to understand: God works in the world but he does it through people that are usable.
What’s The Lesson?: Power in the Christian life always comes after testing not before. If I asked, "How many of you would like to have more power in your life?" Most of you would. Power to break bad habits, power to be a stronger Christian. The path to power is through a test. We want the end product with out the process!
In Judges 6 and 7 we have the conclusion of the story. Gideon was now ready. He was transformed into a leader. He goes out, blows a trumpet and says, "Everybody rally around!" and thousands of people rallied around him -- a man, who a few weeks before, was in the bottom of a wine press hiding out. He cries out, "Who wants to follow the Lord into battle?" and 32,000 people showed up.
God says, "Gideon, that's too many people. I want you to thin the ranks." That doesn't make sense. Thirty-two thousand is still grossly under rated compared to 135,000 in a battle. God said, "That's too many because I don't want the people to get the credit for it. I'll take the credit. It's going to be a miracle. So, Gideon, you tell every one of those 32,000 people who are afraid to go home." So 22,000 went home.
God said, "That's still too many, so after a test, he sent another 9,700 home. That left 300 men. God not only often uses unlikely people, he uses an unlikely strategy. Three hundred men against 135,000 that's odds of about 450 to one. Those aren't very good odds. Then God says, "Here are the tools you're going to take into battle. Number one, give every one of those 300 men a clay pot, a horn and a torch. Can you hear Gideon?
So in the middle of the night, Gideon takes his little band of 300 men and circle around the valley and spread out into a complete circle. Each man with his torch lit but the clay pot over it so that the light would not shine out. God says to Gideon, "When I say `Go!' you tell the men to blow the trumpets, to shout `For the Lord and for Gideon!' and to break the clay pots. [That will make a noise which the enemy won't know what it is; it will scare them.] The light will shine out and just a few men will look like thousands. In their panic the enemy will begin to fight each other."
That is exactly what happened - the Midianites woke up, began running around in their tents with their pajamas on, pulling out their swords and began to fight each other. The Bible says that over a hundred thousand soldiers were killed that day while the Israelites stood there and watched!
Gideon became a national hero, because he was useable. He was useable because he was humble. That's how God works in our lives.
Some of you are at Stage One today. You just need encouragement. You need someone to say, God believes in you! Most of the time we talk at church about how we need to believe in God. That's very true. But God believes in you. Get that this morning!
Some of you are at Stage Two. You are ready to meet God personally. Maybe you've had a religion but you've never had a relationship. God says, "I want you to know Me. Will you do that today? HOW? Humble yourself and give your life to Christ!
Some of you are at Stage Three. You're in a test. It may be a test at work. It may be a test at home. It may be a test at school. What's going to have first place in your life? Status? Career? Money? Things? What's going to have first place in your life? Anything that is not God that's in first place becomes an idol. Maybe you need to do a little spiritual housecleaning. Say, "Lord, what is the Baal in my backyard? What is it that competes for my time and energy, that really replaces You?"
Some of you are in Stage Four. You've been trying to fight God's battles in your power and you're tired. You came here this morning thinking "I'm wasted, I'm really fatigued. God, do something today, please! It's been a tough week." You need God's Spirit in your life. If you're a Christian, He's in your life. Now you need His power. Make it your prayer this morning that God would give you power to live HIS life! A lot of times we get tired running our race. Ask God to give you power to run HIS race!
Time is short. Start today.
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