Although people can tame all kinds of animals . . . no one can tame the tongue. Why? Because it is an uncontrollable evil, full of deadly poison. The tongue is always capable of evil; it remains untamed throughout life. With our tongues we can lash out and destroy. By recognizing the tongue’s deadly capacity, we can take the first steps to keep it under control.
No person can tame the tongue, but Christ can. To do it, he goes straight for the heart (Mark 7:14-15; Psalm 51:10) and the mind (Romans 12:1-2). We should not try to control our tongues with our own strength; we should rely on the Holy Spirit. He will give us increasing power to monitor and control what we say. For when we feel offended or unjustly criticized, the Spirit will remind us of God’s love and keep us from reacting. The Holy Spirit will heal the hurt and keep us from lashing out. We can make sure we are in the Spirit’s control by incorporating Scripture into our lives and by asking the Spirit to direct our thoughts and actions each day.
SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
Of all the animals we've tamed, no man can tame the tongue, humanly speaking. He says it's restless. That means it's always liable to break out at any moment. When Lion Country Safari was open there was a big sign as you dove in -- "Do not get out of your car. Do not roll down the window." Why? Those animals that look so tame and peaceful could rip your head off in a second. Restless, always liable to break out. You never know what your mouth is going to say.
It's like poison. The word in Greek is literally "snake venom". Just a few drops can kill. You can assassinate somebody with your words. Assassinate their character. The tongue is a deadly weapon. What's the answer? Read the verse below;
"Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."
Ephesians 4:29 (NIV)
The key to using your tongue in the proper way is to understand it is God's will for us to build others up - not tear them down. We have the choice. We can build others by encouraging them, lifting them, re-directing them, giving them a vision for their lives they currently do not have OR, we can tear them down by gossiping about them, shunning them, nitpicking their faults.
You get to choose how you will use the one and only tongue God has given you - choose wisely. And while we are free to choose how we will use our speech, we are not free to control the consequence. I know of a man who likes to ask forgiveness of others he has slandered and spoken ill of to others. That's great, but once your words leave your mouth, they take o a life of their own. You cease to have control of them. My point? James 1:19 -"Be quick to listen and slow to speak..."
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course.
Thank you Pastor Mike that helps. I need God for control. Being in the word will help me incorporate it into my actions.