How strange that the tongue is able to speak praises to our Lord and Father at one time, and then it breaks out into curses against other people. We should have the same attitude of respect for fellow human beings as we have for God, because they are created in his image. Yet we have this horrible, double-sided tongue, so that blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth.
Some people think that the only restraint against foul talk, calling people names, and bad language is social disapproval. But God’s word condemns it. James says that the reason we should not curse people is because they have been made in God’s likeness. We should not use any word or name that reduces them to anything less than their full stature as God’s created beings.
SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
My tongue, the way I use my words displays who I really am. It reveals my real character. It tells what's really inside of me. First James points out how inconsistent we are in our speech. v. 9 "The tongue we praise our Lord and Father and with the same tongue we curse men who've been made in God's likeness. From the same mouth come praise and cursings. My brothers, this should not be." (powerful set of verses - that's why they are our memory verses this week)
We say these things out of the same mouth. We come to church on Sunday. The highest use of your mouth is to use it praising God. We sing praises to the Lord. Then we walk out, get into the car and on the way home we argue about where we're going to eat lunch. Isn't it amazing how quickly your attitude can change? In one minute you're saying, "Praise the Lord", the next you're saying, "Shut up!" The tongue is a strange contradiction. It's so inconsistent. It's amazing how quickly it can change, like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.
This bothers me immensely, but more important, I know it bothers God! And you know what bothers me the most? I can be like that! I think how is it possible that we can be loving to people we love -- our kids, wives, husbands -- and the next moment be harsh, cold, mean to them? How is it possible? How is it possible in one minute to be talking to my kids in gentle, loving tones and the next minute I'm being mean to them? I hurt them. I am saying things that damage their self- esteem. How is that? I grieve over that a lot. I find myself asking forgiveness a lot in my family, especially to my kids. Do you struggle with an inconsistent tongue? James says we all have it. We speak lovingly in one breath and then lash out in the next. What gives? What's the problem? Selfishness and sinfullness.
This bothers me immensely, but more important, I know it bothers God! And you know what bothers me the most? I can be like that! I think how is it possible that we can be loving to people we love -- our kids, wives, husbands -- and the next moment be harsh, cold, mean to them? How is it possible? How is it possible in one minute to be talking to my kids in gentle, loving tones and the next minute I'm being mean to them? I hurt them. I am saying things that damage their self- esteem. How is that? I grieve over that a lot. I find myself asking forgiveness a lot in my family, especially to my kids. Do you struggle with an inconsistent tongue? James says we all have it. We speak lovingly in one breath and then lash out in the next. What gives? What's the problem? Selfishness and sinfullness.
James 4:1-2 (ESV) says,“What causes quarrels and what causes fights among you? Is it not this, that your passions are at war within you? You desire and do not have, so you murder. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel.”
Confess your sin to God. Confess your gossip and slander and backbiting. That's the solution to your problem with your mouth. Then make a vow to the Lord to use your mouth to build and encourage others.
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course.
That also bothers me immensely. It tares at my insides and you can not get the words back. I have made the vow. Thanks Pastor Mike.
ReplyDelete1 Samuel 15:22 may be talking about sacrifices but I believe it can be always a reminder of what true worship means. Can a non-believer worship Christ? No. you can't praise something that you don't believe even exists. So how then can someone who is addicted to alcohol, drugs, sex etc. sing about how God is enough. It simply just does not make sense.