Paul closed this letter to the Ephesians and the surrounding churches by sending greetings from Rome and the Christians there. The Roman Christians and the Ephesian Christians were brothers and sisters because of their unity in Christ. Believers today are also linked to others across cultural, economic, and social barriers. All believers are one family in Christ Jesus.
Tychicus is also mentioned in Acts 20:4; Colossians 4:7; 2 Timothy 4:12; and Titus 3:12. He carried this letter to the Ephesians, as well as the one to the Colossians (and probably the one to Philemon as well). Tychicus brought news about Paul to the Ephesian church, which would be very interested in hearing how Paul was doing. Paul had lived in Ephesus for three years and had become very close to the believers there (Acts 20:17-38). Paul did not write of all those details in his letter because this letter was meant to go to several churches in the area (see the Introduction). Instead, he would allow Tychicus to give the Ephesian believers the details of how he was getting along.
Paul wanted Tychicus to encourage the believers, for it seems that they were discouraged by Paul’s imprisonment. Paul wanted them to know that his imprisonment was resulting in great things for the worldwide church.
Paul closed his letter with a prayer that they would have peace. He knew they had faith, but he prayed that love would accompany it. The source of peace, love, and faith is God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
As he began his letter, so he ended it. Paul’s final prayer was for God’s grace upon his readers, a topic he had also written about in this letter. God’s grace can only be upon those who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an undying love. Such love for our Lord is a taste of the eternal life of love that is our guaranteed inheritance.
SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
Sometimes at the end of a book of the bible or a passage of the bible, there are things said that we kind of just gloss over. We don't really pay attention to them like we should. As Paul closes off the book of Ephesians here in chapter six, he says something I want you to get. He says something I have to get.
Paul says he is sending them Tychicus to encourage their hearts. Folks, that is key, because we are to do the same. We are to encourage people. I mentioned this on Sunday, but let me say it again.
Hebrews 3:13 (NIV) says, "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." BTW, this is not a suggestion, this is a command. We don't encourage people if we have the time or inclination, we do not because it is a command - whether we feel like it or not. It is an imperative.
Folks, A safeguard against believers turning away from God is for them to encourage each other every day. Believers should continually remind each other to turn away from sin and to stay focused on Christ. People cannot live as Christians in a vacuum. Christians need each other so that they don’t become deceived by sin and hardened against God.
We protect against sin’s deceitfulness by checking our private intentions and desires against those of a group of trusted Christian friends, and our group’s intentions and desires against the teachings of the word of God.
So let me ask you, who do you need to be daily encouraging? If you don't encourage them, who will? Who will you call today? Who will send off an email to today? Who will you write a letter to today, offering them words of encouragement to stay the course and finish well. Who will you encourage to stand their ground? Who will you encourage to keep on keeping on?
Go to the COV website, the home page and look at some of the quotes we have listed their. Maybe you can use one of them to encourage somebody today.
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