SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)
As we discussed yesterday, I am amazed that not only did the Israelite soldiers endure that daily mocking by Goliath, but so did the King. It is amazing to me that it took a 13 or 14 year old boy to fight the giant. King Saul was only to willing to allow this boy warrior to do what he was unwilling or to fearful to do.
But, that is not what stands out to me today. I read this passage and I think about Saul's armor. Saul tried to fit his armor onto this young man, and obviously it was way to big, way to bulky and way to cumbersome. My point? Sometimes when God calls us to a task, we try to do it just like someone else would, when their armor really doesn't fit us.
We are each unique masterpieces of God (Ephesians 2:10). Be the person God has called you to be. Serve in the ministry that best fits you. Embrace your giftedness and style. Make any sense? I pray so. Take CLASS 301 and contact Pauline Alker to do a spiritual inventory checklist for your life. Determine your SHAPE. (Spirtual gifts, Heart, Apptitude, Passion and Experieces)
What's holding you back? What's stopping you from entering the fight? Get after it today!
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