This is without a doubt my favorite passages/stories of the entire Bible. Because I'm on vacation this week down here in San Diego, I'm going to follow a bit of a different format this week than I normally do. I'm not going to give the background and explanation of the passage, but rather just do the normal so what? Here goes.
SO WHAT? (what will I do with what i have read today?)
I am struck today by the contempt that David's brothers had for him. He's serving them and caring for them, but all they could see was his youth, his innocence, his heart for God, his anointing, his blessed life - and it drove them crazy with hatred, bitterness, envy and jealousy.
I read that and I ask myself, why is it so hard for us today to rejoice with others when God shows them His favor? Why is it so hard for us to rejoice with others when they are blessed, when their children do well, when our friend at work advances faster than we do, when our neighbors get a new car - again? What is wrong with us that we can't be happy for others who have success?
Whatever the reason, it is my heart today to go the opposite way. I will be glad and happy and rejoice when God pours out His blessing on others. I will not question how they got it or why, I just want to rejoice. I will pray for God's blessing to be poured out on others more deliberately. I will ask God to kill the pride and evil in me that allows envy to want what others have.
God help me. Help those at COV in this area of life. Protect our hearts from harboring envy and jealousy. Remind us of Hebrews 12:15 - "See to it that no bitter root grows up in your heart that would cause others to be defiled."
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