Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day #31: James 1:1-4

For this week’s devotions, Pastor Mike has given me, Pastor Matt Moore, the privilege to write these devotions because I preached this past Sunday.

SO WHAT? (what will I do with what I have read today?)

Have you ever seen the bumper sticker about lemons? You know, “When life hands you lemons, make lemonade.” Now I know that bumper sticker is cheesy but in fact it is easier to read it and smile than to actually try to apply that principle to our lives! Now here is the funny part, that statement is biblical. James talks about this in the first four verses of his letter.

Time and time again we find people in Scripture who faced insurmountable odds and trials yet they were able to be triumphant! Instead of lying down, giving up and becoming a victim, they stand firm and are victorious. God gives us the same opportunity now to become victorious at the onset of trials!

If we are going to turn trials into triumphs, we must obey four essentials for victory: 1- a joyful attitude, 2- an understanding mind, 3- a surrendered will, and 4- a heart that wants to believe.

Today I want to look at three of those keys.

1.) A Joyful Heart (vs. 1:2)

There are two words we need to look at here; “Count” and “Joy”. The Lord tells us to count, count what? We need to count on the fact there will be trials in our lives. Trials will come and it doesn’t matter where they come from. It could be financial, physical or spiritual problems but the truth is that they are coming, no matter what you do! Are you ready for a trial? It’s around the corner.

When trials hit, and they will, will you be joyful? Can you consider it “pure joy” as Scripture says? God is not a dope; He’s got amazing things planned for you on the other side of the trial. God is our Shepherd and He will walk us through the valley of the shadow of death. The problem we face is our perspective. Trials are never fun but God sees the finished product of the trial. He sees a more mature believer with a greater faith than when the trial began. Do you face trial with a joyful heart?

2.) An Understanding Mind (vs. 1:3)

The key word in this verse is “know”. Do you know about the testing of our faith? Our faith is always tested. When God called Abraham to live by faith, He tested him in order to increase his faith. God always tests us to bring out the best; Satan tempts us to bring out the worst. The testing of our faith proves that we are truly fully devoted followers of Christ. The truth is that the testing our faith works for us not against.

Peter said it this way,
“ These troubles come to prove that your faith is pure. This purity of faith is worth more than gold...(1 Peter 1:7 NCV)”.

When we triumph our faith is worth more than gold! What an image to strive for. God wants to produce in us endurance, steadfastness and the ability to keep on keepin’ on! When trials hit do we have perseverance and faith to sustain us?

3.) A Surrendered Will (vs. 1:4)

God cannot build our character without our cooperation. If resist what God is trying to do in our lives we will never grow and never mature. God is never okay with a half-way done job. Vesre 4 says that He wants us to be perfect and complete, not lacking anything. God will use whatever trial we face to produce endurance and to equip us for later trials. God is not okay with the status quo! He wants us to grow in our faith!

What trials are you facing in your life right now? Will tackle them with a joyful heart, an understanding mind and a surrendered will? If you do, you will be a more mature follower of Christ once you are on the other side of the valley of the shadow of death(Psalm 23).

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