#2. When I have faith and expect God for the best, IT INCREASES MY OPPORTUNTIES!
Many people mistakenly think that when David faced Goliath, it was God directing that stone into Goliaths head. Wrong! Remember what David said to Saul when he asked how can you face this giant of a man? He said, listen king, I’ve taken on bears and lions and with God with me; I’ll take in this dude as well.
You see, here is my point – many of us are just standing around for God to show us what to do – where to go. David did not do that. He was training – preparing and at the right time, the opportunity came. How did that stone get throne so accurately? He had prepared. And because He had trained and prepared, he was ready for the opportunity that arose with Goliath.
Many of us miss God’s divine appointments because we were not prepared! (witnessing, spouses, jobs) Oh by the way, this is for you doubting Thomas out there – some ask, well, if he had so much faith, why take five stones? The Bible is very clear. Goliath had four brothers. So as David went out to this battle he was thinking, “If I defeat one giant, God will give me the strength to defeat four others if I have to.”
And folks, when you live out your faith it encourages others to do the same. The Bible tells us that when Goliath was defeated the Israelites gave a great shout of triumph and they rushed after the Philistines and they chased them as far as Gath. The entire nation was victorious. An entire nation was energized, encouraged by the faith of this one young man. That’s the power that faith has. Everyone gets excited. Optimism is contagious. And faith has incredible power to make us optimistic.
Some of you are saying, “Pastor - How can I expect the best? You don’t know what I’ve been through!” No, I don’t. And others of you are saying, “How can I expect the best? You don’t know the problems I’m facing right now!” No, I don’t. Some of you are facing some giants in your life. Some giant problems. You’ve got a financial Goliath. You’ve got a medical Goliath or a relational Goliath. You’re facing some big issues in your life and thinking, “How can I expect the best when everything seems to be going wrong right now?”
I don’t know everything that’s going on in your life. But I do know this. You can do the same things David did to give him the confidence to face his giants and if you will do these things you will find yourself having a positive, expect-the-best attitude even in the worst of situations.
- Tune in TO GOD every morning.
We talk a lot about this here at COV, and here we go again! First thing. Start your day with God. That will make you a person of faith. This is David’s secret to giant killing faith Psalm 5:3 says, “In the morning, O Lord, You hear my voice. In the morning I lay my request before You and wait in expectation.” Where does David get his spirit of expectation? He spends time with God in the morning. He starts his day with God. Before he talks with anybody else he talks to God.
- Think on GOD’S PROMISES throughout the day –
Psalm 119:95 says, “Though the wicked hide along the way to kill me I will quietly keep my mind upon Your promises.” David was facing the constant threat of assassination. He says I need these promises throughout the day to help me face these threats in my life, these anxieties that can inevitably overwhelm my day.
How are you going think about God's promises throughout the day? The only way to do it is to memorize them, to bank them in your heart, to put them where you can call upon them.
There are over 5,000 promises in this Bible written for you and I to give us confidence and assurance throughout the day so we can make it through. If you’re going to change your heart, if you’re going to change that anxiety you’re going to feel less threatened in life, more hopeful, more expecting the best, start to listen to something different. Listen to God's promises.
Ponder these things today. Stay the course. Stay faithful. Endure!