There’s a third question that we need to ask ourselves when we want confirm that God is talking to us is
First you ask, Does this idea agree with the Bible? Second, Does it make me more like Christ? Then third, Does my church family confirm this idea? You see, we all need the wisdom and counsel and advice of other godly people in your life to help you stay on track. God never meant for you to go through life as a Lone Ranger, on your own.
Ephesians 3:10 says this “God’s intent is that through the church [circle “through the church”] the manifold wisdom of God should be made known.” God shares His wisdom with His body, with His family, with His flock.
So, if God has genuinely spoken to you, mature believers will confirm it. They’ll say, “You’re right. You did hear from God.” If they do not confirm it you have every reason to doubt whether it’s really from God or not.
The Bible says in Proverbs 11:9 “The wisdom of the righteous can save you.” It doesn’t say the wisdom of your best friends, your good ol’ boy buddies because they’re going to kiss up to you and just tell you what you want to hear anyway. They’re not going to tell you the truth. We all need people in our life who will shoot straight with us – who will speak truth into our lives, even if we won’t like it – righteous people - wise people – people who are walking with God!
Proverbs 11:14 says “In the multitude of counselors there is safety.” If you want to make fewer mistakes in life get all the godly mature advice you can get, then follow it.
I’ve been a pastor for many, years. I’ve talked to thousands of people. I have concluded that the two biggest reasons people mess up in life are these. One: They have no spiritually mature friends. Two: They don’t listen to them if they do have them.
People come and say, “Pastor Mike, what do you think I ought to do about this?” And I’ll show them what the Bible says and they don’t like it. They’ll say, “What does the Bible say about living together?” I tell them and they don’t like it so they go to another church. Then they go to that pastor and ask, “What does the Bible say?” And he tells them the same thing. They don’t like that so they go to the next church, then the next church, then the next church. If God is speaking to you, it will line up with what Godly people in the church are saying to you.
There’s a final question that you and I need to ask ourselves when we want confirm that God is talking to us is
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 14:33 “God’s not the author of confusion.” He wants to make sense in our lives. He wants us to sense His peace as a part of our everyday lives. What is the opposite of peace? Pressure – anxiety- and worry.
The only time pressure is legitimate for us as believers is when God has told us to do something specifically and we haven’t done it yet.
The Bible talks about the difference between our worries and God’s peace in Philippians 4:6-7 which says, “Don’t worry about anything. Instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all that He’s done. If you do this you will experience God’s peace which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and your minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” This verse reminds us that worry is never from God. On the other hand, peace always comes from God.
To experience that peace, I have a job to do – two things: 1) Quit worrying and start trusting 2) Pray about everything. When I do that, peace from God will invade my life. The peace of God will overwhelm you. How do I know that? God’s word says it, and I have experience it!
I want to tell you this morning, that one of the clearest signs of that God is talking to you is when all of a sudden you sense peace – God’s peace – in the midst of a storm of difficulty in your life.
I can honestly say to you that every step of the way as I have pastored here at COV -that time has been marked in my soul by a tremendous amount of peace and calm. That doesn’t mean everything has gone smoothly – it hasn’t. I have been criticized, people have complained about my leadership – finances are razor thin many weeks and yet I have a great peace that He is in control. Peace that He is building this church.
When God is speaking to you, no matter the circumstance you find yourself in, you will sense God’s peace in your life.
Proverbs 22:17 says “Listen to this wise advice. Follow it closely for it will do you good. You can pass it on to others.”
Notice the words “listen,” “follow it,” and “pass it on.” Those are the three parts of the Christian life. Which of those are you doing?
God speaks to the people who do all three. They hear, they act on, and they pass on. If you’re not hearing from God, one of the reasons may be that you haven’t acted on and passed on what you already know.
When God finds somebody who is not only open to listening but also to acting on it, to doing what He said and then passing it on to other people, God says, That’s the person I want to talk to. You’ll hear God speaking to you more and more and more.
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course. ENDURE!
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