Finally, how else can I begin to experience the blessed life?
One time Jesus told a story in Matthew 25 about a guy that owned a business. And this guy hired several people. And he gave one guy five coins, the other guy two coins, and the other guy one coin. The owner said, “Invest these coins and I’ll be back later to see the results.” When the owner came back, the guy with five coins had parlayed his into ten. The guy with two coins parlayed his into four. The guy with one coin dug a hole and, like, sat on it.
The owner goes, “Man, what are you thinking? I gave you this coin to invest. Get out of my life. You’re fired.” Then Jesus said this in Matthew 25:23 (TEV), “Well done, you good and faithful servant!' said his master. 'You have been faithful in managing small amounts, so I will put you in charge of large amounts. Come on in and share my happiness!'”
It’s the difference between ownership and management. In Genesis 1:28, the first words God ever spoke to Adam and Eve, You know what they were about? Read it. Management. God said, “You’re not owners, you’re managers."
This Thanksgiving, make sure you tell God that you understand who is the owner and who is the manager. Ask Him if there is anyone He would have you bless with the blessing He has entrusted you with.
I love you guys. Stay Faithful. Stay the Course. ENDURE!
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