Luke 6:38 (MB)says, “Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity.”
I want to ask you a question. What did you want to be when you were a child – growing up? Let’s do this in fact – turn to a person close to you and share with each other your answer.
How many Firemen? How about an astronaut? Scientist? How about secret agent? President of the USA? (that was mine) Let me ask you, what happened to that dream? For many, the dream got squashed. It got de-railed. We left that dream because maybe we were told we could never attain it. Quit trying – quit striving.
Wake up to reality – settle for safe. Be like everybody else. Don’t stand out and don’t stand up. Do you know what I’m talking about? I mean why try? You might fail. You might come up short. What am I saying this morning? Folks, if you want God to bless your life, you have to go after it.
The guy we are going to look at today in Mark 10 wanted God’s blessing. He wanted to go after his dream. Bartimaeus was blind since birth. All of his life he had been dreaming of a day when he might see. I’m pretty sure he had been told this is all you are ever going to accomplish. This is you place in life. This is your lot. Quit dreaming of seeing. Just settle for a beggers life. Let’s read.
“A blind man, Bartimaeus was sitting by the roadside begging…. When he heard that it was Jesus of Nazareth, he began to shout, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" … “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus asked him. The blind man said, "Rabbi, I want to see.” “Go," said Jesus, ‘your faith has healed you.’ Immediately he received his sight and followed Jesus along the road.”
Great story. Sad tale of a cripple – a handicapped person – a special needs person. Born blind. Relegated to a life of begging just to eek out some semblance of a existence. Then, this blind man meets Jesus and everything changes. He is healed. He can see again. Tear jerker for everyone there that day to be sure.
Folks, this is a story of God’s blessing. This is a story of someone who experienced and lived the blessed life I want to tell you, I read this story and I ask -when will God start blessing my life?. What can we learn from the life of Bartimaeous? Three things… (one tday and a few more tomorrow)
#1.When will start blessing my life? GOD WILL BLESS MY LIFE WHEN I STEP OUT IN FAITH. (vs. 47-49, 51-52a)
Bartimaeous knew his day had come. In his gut, he knew this was it. Heart pounding. Palms sweating. Mind racing . Fear gripping him. With all of the courage he could muster, he began to shout. JESUS – JESUS. SON OF DAVID. HAVE MERCY ON ME.
Many rebuked him though. Shut up. Be quiet. Go away. You smell. You stink. You’re dressed inappropriately. Just go away. But he shouted all the more. Son of David have mercy on me. Heal me. Jesus stopped. Call him, bring him to me. The tenor of the crowd changes. (Hypocrites) Jesus asks the al important question – What do you want me to do for you? I want to see.
What do you want Jesus to do for you? What step of faith are you willing to take? Folks, I know so many people who want the blessing but they don’t want to do their part – they don’t want to step out in faith. They don’t want to risk being mocked, laughed at, ridiculed, rejected. Listen to how important stepping out in faith is to Jesus…
Hebrews 11:6 (NIV) says, “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.” (we're going to look at that verse this Sunday morning)
this means I have to start taking some risks. Not risks in the stock market. Not risks with your health. I’m talking risk of faith. Maybe some of you are here and you’ve been playing it safe when it comes to matters of faith. You keeping saying someday I’ll receive Christ. Someday I’ll start living the life of faith. If you want God’s blessing, you have to step out in faith. Receive him, follow him, obey him, live for him. You can’t please him any other way. When’s the last step of faith you took?
I need to say something to you TODAY as your pastor. I see greatness in our church. All around our church I see the seeds for greatness. My plea with you today is this - Don’t play it safe. Step out and step up. See what God can and will do for you.
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course. ENDURE!
Thanks Steve. Good stuff.