We start a new section of the book - "THE ME I WANT TO BE" - today. We also have a new memory verse for this week - John 13:35 (NLT) “Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.”
This week, we'll be looking at how to deepen our relationships with others. We'll be looking at how we need others in our lives. We'll be looking at the importance of investing in other people.
What if you wanted to decorate a house, who would you have come into your home to assist you? How about remolding your home? What if you wanted the world’s greatest expert on relationships to help you navigate and build your relationships - who would you turn to? Jesus Christ. He’s an expert at relationships. He knows what relationships are all about.
When it comes to how to relate to other people, Jesus has some things to teach every one of us. Jesus can improve every one of our relationships. But, to do that, let’s admit something from the very beginning. I think it will help. Let’s admit that when it comes to relationships, we’re different. We relate differently. We communicate differently. We’re just different – all of us.
Because we’re different, we ask some of these questions: Why won’t my husband talk more? Why can’t my wife think more like I do? Why won’t my parents listen to me? Why is it that children have to be told an average of 235 times to take the garbage out before they do? How can I find a friend who really understands?
We all live with this huge gap when it comes to relationships. When it comes to relationships we have to ask ourselves how we bridge this incredible gap? There have been some terribly hurtful things take place in your relationships – things like…
“You’ll never amount to anything.” - “I’m sorry I ever married you.” - “I’ll never forgive what she said about me.” “I want a divorce.” - “Why can’t we be in the same room without fighting?” - “He’s an idiot.”
Some of you are today and you’re at the end of your rope when it comes to relationships. You wonder how you’re going to bridge that gap. What I want you to get today is this - Jesus is the bridge. Jesus Christ has the power to take us from where we are to where in our hearts we want to be when it comes to relationships.
As I was preparing for this message series, studying THE LIFE OF CHRIST, it became more apparent to me than ever before that Jesus did relationships different than I did. The reason that this stood out so much is that God has been working on me about this issue of relationships. He didn’t have a trail of broken relationships behind him like I do.
Let me say right upfront, as we look at how to deepen our relationships – I am probably one of the least qualified to talk about it. But, God is teaching me. God is growing me. God is changing me.
Before we go any further, let’s stop and think for a moment and ask - What relationship is there in my life that needs some working on that I’d like to see God improve. It doesn’t take long to think of one does it? Write that persons name down. Then I want you to close your eyes and listen to this verse: Matthew 6:21 – “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Folks, God wants us to treasure people. God wants us to value people. That’s where building great relationships begins.
One day Jesus was walking through the street. The crowds were around Him and a teacher of the law – a scribe - walks up to him and asks him a question – Listen from Mark 12: "And one of the scribes came up and heard them disputing with one another, and seeing that He answered them well, asked Him, “Which commandment is the most important of all?”
Jesus didn’t have to wait a second before He answered. He looked at the man and first said this, "The most important is, 'Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. 30 And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.”
That’s all about relationships – our relationship to God. To Love God is number one. No relationship is more important. No love is more important. Valuing your relationship with God above all else. Above everyone else. Above everything else.
If your relationship with God is broken or out of whack - well, I would submit to you that every other relationship you have will be out of whack.
Is there anything you need to make right with God today? Any sin to confess? Any wrong that needs to be made right?
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course. ENDURE!
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