We start one more new week in our spiritual growth campaign today. This week, we're talking about putting the things God teaches into practice - specifically in our work. Our memory verse this week is Colossians 3:23 (NIV) - "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men."
That's what we want to talk about this week.
The most important thing we know is that God doesn't want you to be afraid. Ephesians 3:12 "In Christ, we can come before God with freedom and without fear... Notice the words "with freedom" and "without fear". ...We can only live a life that honors Christ through faith in Christ." We're going to look at the Foundation for No fear Living. It’s as simple as A-B-C.
1 John 4:18 says, "Where God's love is, there is no fear because God's perfect love drives out fear." The Bible says that Love is the antidote to fear. Not just any love, but the Love of God. When you have His love – when you know His love, it drives out the fear from our lives.
Ophra asked Dr. Phil (there’s a combo – huh?) recently – “Dr. Phil, what is the deepest need of every person?” What is my deepest need? Dr. Phil responded – correctly I might add – “to be loved” Folks, Your deepest need in life is to feel absolutely, totally, unconditionally loved. Completely loved. Not for something you could be, not for something you should be, but loved just as you are. That is your deepest inner need. That's why perfect love casts out fear.
Until this issue is resolved, you're going to be tormented by fears. Only God can love you with as much love as you really need. Only God can do it. God doesn't love you randomly. He loves you consistently. He loves you every second of every minute of every hour of every day of every week of every month of every year. There's never been a time in your life when God didn't love you. That's not true of everybody else. Only God can love you as deeply as you really need to feel loved.
If you want to build a foundation in your life, your family, your marriage – you have to build it on something that can not be taken away. The starting place to building that foundation is to accept God's love because where God's love is there is no fear.
But some of you say, "But you don't know what I've done! I've blown it too much. God can never love me." Wrong. Romans 8:39 says, "Nothing in all creation is able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus." Notice the word "nothing". That means nothing! God has never stopped loving you. That doesn't mean He approves of everything you've done. He doesn't approve of everything you've done. But He's never stopped loving you.
Probably everybody here in this room knows about God's love. It's another thing to accept it. You're never going to feel it until you first accept it.
It's one thing to believe about something, it's another thing to believe in something. It's one thing to believe about a person. it's another thing to believe in a person. For instance, I believe about Howard Stern. But I don't believe in Howard Stern.
People say, "I believe there's a God." I say - So what? Big deal! Do you think that puts you in the Book of Life because you believe there's a God? Folks, Christianity is not just believing about God, it's believing in God. Romans 10:9 (NIV) says, “if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
Having a personal relationship with God involves believing that He came to earth to show you his love. Jesus showed you that love by dying for your sins. (Somebody has to pay the price for your sins) He proved He was God by coming back from death. If you want a personal relationship with God, you have to believe that and confess that.
Some people ask, “If I believe in Jesus what difference will it make?” There are a lot of differences that Jesus will make in your life,, but one of them is if you believe in Jesus and you believe what He says about the future is true, about salvation, then you can stop being afraid, Afraid of death. Afraid of Monday morning. Afraid that your financial security is being ripped away.
Folks, You need Jesus Christ in your life. You need to have a relationship with God, not cause you're going to die tonight, because you're probably not. You might, but you're probably not. You need Christ in your life because you're going to live tomorrow and you are going to die someday.
A third thing you need to if you’re to build a no-fear foundation.
1 Peter 3:14-15 (GN) says, "Don't be afraid of anyone and don't worry, but have reverence for Christ in your heart and honor him as Lord." Notice the word "Lord". That's not a word we use a whole lot. We don't have lords and ladies and counts in America. This is a democracy. What does it mean to be Lord? It says honor Christ as Lord. It means let Him be the manager of your life. Let Him be the boss. Let Him call the shots. Let Him be the chairman of the board.
He doesn't want to be resident in your life, He wants to be president in your life. "God, You be number one." That's what it means to be Lord. Let God be God! To honor Christ as Lord means He's the only person you ultimately have to please.
If you really make Christ Lord of your life, then He becomes the only person ultimately you have to please, do you think that might simplify your life? Do you think it might reduce the stress? Do you think it might release the tension? If you weren't try to gain the approval of 50 people, but instead focused on one person, knowing if you do what He says to do, it's always the right thing to do. Doesn't that make sense?
1 Peter 5:7 says, "Cast all your anxiety on Him because He cares for you." Imagine a garbage bag in front of you in which you cast all your worries and fears. Fill up the garbage bag with your worries and fears. Tie it all up and toss it out. The garbage truck comes along and picks it up. This verse tells us to throw your worries and fears on God, because He cares for you.
I wonder how many people in America – throughout the world would like to be able to take all their fears – throw them in a trash bag and let God pick them up and take them out of our lives. Folks, this is why you need God in your life.
As long as you try to be God, you'll be filled with fear. You'll be filled with worry. WHY? You can't handle it all yourself. This week I talked with a guy who said, "My life is overwhelmed with fear and emptiness and frustration. Everything I’ve worked for is gone.” Maybe you feel that way today – maybe you have that fear today. The foundation you’ve built your life upon has been shaken. Give God that fear this morning and let Him build a new foundation that can never be shaken.
Why don't you accept God's love today and come home to Him this morning. 1 Peter 1:2says, "May God bless you richly and grant you increasing freedom from all anxiety and fear." That's my prayer for you this morning, that you will have increasing freedom from all anxiety and fear.
I love you guys.
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