He takes care of my past, He takes care of my present.
Hebrews 2 says, "Jesus became like us to set free those who were slaves all their lives because of the fear of death." The fear of death is a universal problem. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, educated or uneducated, white, black brown, whatever, we're all going to face death. It a universal problem. It is an inevitable fact of life that we're all going to die. The mortality rate in America is 100%. Since we're all going to die, it seems foolish to go through life unprepared for something you know is inevitable. That just doesn't make sense. I know someday I'm going to die. Everybody else in history has, so I guess I'm going to. So it makes sense to be prepared for it. You're not ready to live until you're ready to die.
Have you noticed people don't like to talk about death? Some of you get nervous with me talking about it now. Why? Because they're afraid of it. Why? Because they're uncertain about what's going to happen when they meet God. You're going to meet God someday. You can run from God the rest of your life, but then you can't run any more.
How do you make certain what's going to happen on the other side? The Bible says "It's appointed unto man once to die." That's one appointment you will not be late for. God has already chosen that time. But He doesn't want you to fear death. It says Jesus came to set us free from the fear of death. Why? If you already know where you're going and you already have a relationship to God and He's your friend, you're not worried about what's going to happen. I can stand before you and say in absolute sincerity, I am not afraid to die. I'm afraid of pain but I'm not afraid to die! I know where I'm going. I've already settled that issue. I'm already friends with God. For a Christian, death is just a homecoming, a transition to better things.
At Christmas time, probably the most used word you hear is "gift". Everybody's worried about getting the right gifts. Have you ever received a gift within a gift? I received one time a pair of ski gloves and inside was money stuffed into each finger. I didn't even know it was there until I stuffed my hand in it. It was a gift within a gift.
God has some gifts for you at Christmas time this year. They are three gifts, but they are wrapped up in one big gift, Jesus Christ. When you receive Jesus Christ, the gift, you get the three benefit gifts.
1) The gift of forgiveness. "Let us praise God for the free gift he gave us in his Son we are set free, our sins are forgiven." That takes care of my past.
2) The gift of strength. That takes care of the present. Jesus said, "I'm leaving you with a gift, peace of mind and heart So don't be troubled or afraid." He says, I'm with you. I'll handle it. I'll help you. You don't know what's going to happen but I'll help you.
3) The gift of eternal life. Romans 6:23 "The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
Two questions:
1) Have you received God's Christmas gift of Jesus Christ? I was reading in the San Fransico Chronicle last week about a guy who got a Christmas gift, 49 years ago and he still hadn't opened it. Isn't that strange? I can't imagine if my wife gave me a gift and it was there under the tree (or you gave me a gift) and three months after Christmas, about March, you say, "How did you like the gift?" I say, "I'm sure I loved it, I just haven't had the time to open it yet."
The tragedy is many people celebrate Christmas, year after year... , and they've never received God's Christmas gift. That doesn't make sense! Have you accepted God's gift of forgiveness, strength and eternal life through His Son, Christ? You can't celebrate Christmas. You're not going to find it under the tree until it's in your heart. Have you ever received that gift?
I heard the story of a father who gave his daughter some plastic pearls. She wore them for years. When she turned 13, he said, "I want you to give me those plastic pearls you're wearing." Why? "Just trust me, just give them to me." As he took them back with one hand, he pulled from his pocket a string a real pearls.
God is saying to you, "Give Me the cheap plastic thrills, give Me the things you think satisfy but really don't, and I'll give you something genuine. I'll give you something real, something that lasts if you'll trust Me."
2) How do you receive God's gift at Christmas? You receive God's gift by believing. What does it mean to believe in Christ? It means more than just having head knowledge. I believe in Stalin, Hitler, Mao but I'm not a Nazi or a Communist. But I believe in Christ and I'm a Christian. Why? Because it means to commit your life to.
Some of you remember the story of many years ago on Christmas day the world famous tight rope walker, George Blondin, decided he was going to walk across Niagara Falls on a tight rope. They stretched a tightrope across Niagara Falls -- Canadians on the Canadian side, Americans on the American side. He was a real ham. He said he wasn't just going to walk across but he was going to push a wheelbarrow full of dirt across Niagara Falls. Everybody knew if he made just one mistake in balance, he'd fall off the rope and over the Falls and be killed. He gets on the other side and was safe. The crowd went wild. He did it again and pushed the wheelbarrow back across to the American side. When he got there safely the crowd exploded with praise. He did it again. He did it about 20-21 times that day -- back and forth. On the last trip he set the wheelbarrow right in front of a tourist who says, "You're incredible. I believe you could do that 100 times. I believe in you." Blondin took the wheelbarrow, dumped all the dirt out and said, "Get in the wheelbarrow."
That is very much what Jesus Christ says to you. If you believe in Jesus, put your money where your mouth is. Lay it on the line, make a commitment and say, "Jesus Christ, I receive Your gift of forgiveness, of power for today, and Your guarantee for the future with You in heaven. In exchange for that I want to trust You with my life." That's what it means to believe in Him.
God is saying to you, "I have a gift for you at Christmas. You matter to me." Maybe you felt close to God in the past but you've drifted away. Or maybe you've moved to this area and have never found another church. We invite you to become a part of our church family. But there is a place for you.
More than that, God has a gift for you. I challenge you to not waste another Christmas by refusing this gift.
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