These next few days, I want to look at the timing of Christmas. The Bible says that everything that happens in the world happens exactly in the timing that God chooses. The Bible says that God specifically chose the time when Jesus Christ would come to earth. It was not an accident. In history, He specifically chose that time as the time for Jesus' birth.
Listen to our first key verse this morning - Galatians 4:4-5 (LB). It says, "When the right time came, the time God decided on, He sent His son, born of a woman so that He could adopt us as His very own children." God waited until just the right time to send Jesus Christ.
The next key verse - Ecclesiastes 3:1 (GN) says "Everything that happens in this world happens at the time God chooses." You know what that means? Everything that happens in your life – it happens at the time and pace that God chooses. When you try and make stuff happen in your time – life gets messed up. So part of what you need to get from this message is the idea that God is God and He gets to decide when the right timing in your life is.
The right time for a new job. The right time to get married. The right time to move. The right to have kids. Let God be God in your life. You quit trying to be God.
When it comes to Christmas – at this awesome monumental time of year – when God decided to put on flesh and show us what He is like. Christmas – we need to ask - what are the implications for us? At Christmas time, what does God want to do in your life?
The reality of Christmas is not Rudolph or Santa or Frosty or Scrooge or Rainbow Bright or Yogi's Christmas or Homer Simpson's Christmas or anybody else's Christmas. The reality of Christmas is Jesus Christ.
Luke 2:10 says, "I bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone!" Notice the phrase "joyful news". The Greek work means "Good news!" Great news, Fantastic news. Christmas is Good news.
I was asked this last week by some pastors – what has the secret been of your growth @ COV? Why is your church growing when ours are not? I think they expected me to say – well, the preaching is so fantastic. Or it is our staff – I mean they are great. Or maybe they thought I would say the worship. Folks, it is none of those things. Our secret is we've got Good News! Great news! It's the best news in the world. People want to hear it. You'd have to lock the doors to keep people away from hearing Good News.
The Good News keeps getting better and better because the bad news keeps getting worse and worse. The contrast between what you see on TV and what you hear at COV or read in the Bible is so different. The Good News keeps getting better and better. Christmas is a time to reconnect with that good news. Christmas is a time to renew your faith.
What’s the good news you need to reconnect with? You matter to God. God knows everything about you -- the good, the bad, and the ugly -- and He still loves you. You matter to Him. He cares about you.
"I bring you good news and it is for everybody." Christmas is God saying, "I want to relate to you. I want you to know Me as much as I know you." So, at this holy time of year – would you reconnect with God? Would you renew your faith? It's time.
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course. ENDURE!
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