The second purpose of Christmas is salvation. That’s the second thing that the angel mentions when he announces the birth of Jesus. Luke 2;11 says, “Today, in the town of David [that’s Bethlehem] a savior [there’s the salvation part] has been born to you, [For you. A personal savior.] and He is Christ the Lord.”
What are you saved from? First you’re saved from sin. That’s what Jesus’ name means. “Jesus” means “to save people from their sin.” In fact, Joseph was told in a dream these words “Give Him the name Jesus because He will save His people from their sin.” That’s what “Jesus” means.
What in the world is sin anyway? Sin is an attitude that says, “I’m just going to do what I want to do. Forget God. I’m going to do what I want to do.” That attitude has caused us to be separated from God.
Every one of your problems is caused by sin, that separation from God. Every single one of them. Sin causes confusion in your life. It causes guilt. It causes shame. It causes regret. It causes bitterness, resentment, grudges. It causes worry. It causes fear. It causes anxiety. Sin causes depression. It causes discouragement. It causes emptiness. It causes despair.
It causes conflict between you and other people. Every single one of your problems is caused because you’re not connected to God. You’re separated by your own sin – “I’m going to do my own thing.”
As a result of that, Jesus said, “I want to set you free. I want to release you. I want to save you.” Jesus Christ wants to save you from your hurts. He wants to save you from your habits. He wants to save you from your hang-ups. He wants to save you for His purpose, and He wants to save you by His grace. But you’ve got to quit trying to do it yourself. You need to let go and let God be God. God is God, and you’re not.
Maybe, you came to that conclusion some time ago. You gave your Life to Christ, but something happened. You got off God's path for your life. You're doing your own thing. Living apart from God and His plan for your life. Come home this Christmas. Rededicate your life to God.
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course. ENDURE!
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