#4. The fourth trait of toxic religion – Ridicule.
Jesus was ridiculed. He was put down. He was slandered. He was made fun of in the crowds, even on the cross. You will be ridiculed. When others ridicule you, you can’t avoid it. Proverbs 11:12 says this “He who belittles and despises his neighbor lacks sense.”
So when you’re ridiculed, remember this - Little people belittle people. They want to feel better about themselves. They want to make themselves feel like they’re more important. So they belittle others. But great people make other people feel great. They recognize the greatness of God’s love and grace in their lives they’re able to share with others how great God is and what a great life we can live in Him. That’s the difference. Ridicule is one of the signs of toxic faith, toxic people.
#5. The fifth trait of toxic religion - Gossiping
I’ve got to admit I can I go through the first four traits of toxic people and religion and I think maybe none of these are me. But when I get to gossiping that’s all of us. You say, “I don’t gossip!” But you like to listen. It takes someone to talk and it takes someone to listen to make gossip happen. We all get involved in gossip and gossip is toxic.
The Bible says in Proverbs 10:18 “Anyone who spreads gossip is a fool.” Gossip is toxic to faith. It’s toxic to churches. Gossip has destroyed, ripped apart, ruined more churches than all the false teaching ever taught put together. It just rips through a church. It is toxic. Proverbs 20:19 says, “Whoever goes about slandering reveals secrets. Therefore do not associate with anyone who gossips.”
So what is it that turns a person toxic? How does a healthy person become an unhealthy person? How does a normal person become somebody who’s damaging others around them? How does someone become a Pharisee? That's what we'll talk about the next few days.
I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course. ENDURE!
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