The second miracle of Christmas was how He came. GOD BECAME A MAN . He became like one of us. He became a human being. God came as a baby! Think about it, if you were God, would you have come as a baby? Of all the ways that God could have come into this world, He came the same way you and I came into this world -- as a baby. Every one of us here came the same way. He came into this world and became a human being.
Why did God do that? Because God said, “I’m sending Jesus Christ to save you, not to scare you. Nobody’s afraid of a baby.” Many people are honestly afraid of God. They don’t even like to talk about God. They get nervous when you talk about Him. If God had come in thunder and lightning and clouds, it would have scared a lot of people to death. But nobody’s afraid of a baby.
God wants you to know Him. He knows all about you. He knows everything that’s ever happened to you. He’s watched every single moment of your life. He saw you in your mother’s womb. He knew that you were going to be here tonight, a thousand years before you were born. He knows everything that’s going to happen in your future. He knows all about you. He wants you to know Him.
He had to come in a way that we could understand. If God had wanted to communicate to birds, He’d have become a bird. If God had wanted to communicate to frogs, He would have become a frog. If He’d wanted to communicate to donkeys, He’d have become a donkey. But He wanted to communicate to you and to me, so He became one of us.
I like that. I can’t relate to some big, ethereal force in the sky – the great almighty, all being, “May the force be with you” kind of thing. But when I look at Jesus and see that He was a baby, but He didn’t stay as a baby. He grew up a human being and lived a full life and died on the cross for me.
I look at Jesus and say, “Oh, that’s what God’s like!” I can relate to God in human flesh. I can understand that. That’s why Jesus Christ came to earth. He was God, but He became a man. And that’s an amazing thing, an amazing humbling experience.
Philippians 2:6-8 (NCV) says “Christ gave up His place as God and made Himself nothing. He was born to be a man and became like a servant. And when He was living as a man, He humbled Himself…”
The Bible says that He was just like us. He was born like us, the way we were all born. The Bible says He grew like we did – physically, spiritually, socially. The Bible says that Jesus Christ was tempted like we are. He had the same needs, the same drives, the same desires, the same problems, the same pressures in life.
The reason He went through all that was so He could relate to us. No matter what you’re going through today, God understands because He’s been there. He came and lived a human life. The Bible says that He was not only tempted but He suffered like we did. He experienced real pain. There were times when Jesus was lonely. There were times when Jesus was tired, fatigued. There were times when He was under pressure. There were times when He was disappointed, misunderstood, when people didn’t treat Him right and He was criticized. He understands all that.
Here’s the point: God not only came to earth at Christmas, He came as a human being so He can understand us and so we can understand Him. That’s the Good News. He wants to have a relationship to you. That’s what Christmas is all about. He came as a child so we wouldn’t be afraid of Him. He came as a human being so He could relate to us. That’s the second miracle. Imagine this: The King of the universe, the God who created everything came as a child.
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