Happy Birthday to my wife, Sharon. The most beautiful, amazing, caring, selfless woman of God in the world. I celebrate her life today! I love her with all my heart.
What does this story of the Prodigal son mean to me? How can I come home?
Since it was Jesus’ story about how to come home let’s just follow the steps of the son.
#1. Come to your senses.
Verse 17 “When he came to his senses.” My father’s hired help eats better than me and has a better life than me. He came to his senses. In the New Century version it says, “When he realized what he was doing.” This first point is the wake up call. For some of us it’s the “Ah-ahh! That’s what I need to do.” Sometimes it’s surrounded by pain and it’s not the “Ah-ahh!” it’s the “Oh, no!” A wake up call.
I love to preach – it is what God created me to do. But many times, I've got to be honest with you, it is painful. WHY? Because I’ve got to work the message out in my own life first. To preach with integrity, God's word must filter through my life and soul before I bring the message to COV.
When I think about the lost son – the prodigal and I think, I’m not this runaway. I’m not out there in this distant land. I don’t go to Vegas and blow my money and live an immoral lifestyle. But the truth of the matter is that I AM an occasional drifter. I know as a pastor I’m supposed to be a professional Christian. And I love God. Don’t question that. But I drift occasionally. I don’t consciously wake up in the morning and say, “Ok, today I’m going to drift.” But there are times when I just don’t pay attention to God. And I allow my soul to starve. It just happens. There are times when my times with God go unattended. And my spiritual life goes shallow.
Then God gets a hold of me somehow – through a worship song, through the tenderness of my wife, through one of my children and boom it’s like - Pedlowe get you head in the game – snap out of it man.
Romans 13:11 says “Another reason for right living, for coming to your senses, is you know how late it is. Time is running out. Wake up. Don’t miss out on that closeness you can have with God.” You can come home and be intimate with Him.
The second thing the prodigal did that we need to do…
#2. Come clean about your sin!
The prodigal says, “I’m going to say ‘Father, I have sinned.’” That’s coming clean. This is where you expose to God your sin and ask for forgiveness that you know He’ll give. You admit who you are and what you have done.
It saddens me that I meet a lot of people that are more concerned with getting caught than getting help. Come clean. The Bible is so clear about this. Proverbs 20:8 says, “People who cover over their sins will not prosper. But if they confess and forsake them they will receive mercy.” It is healthy to daily examine tour life and ask God to make you aware of any sin in your life. (2 Corinthians 13:5)
Psalms 139:23-24 (ASV)says, "Search me, O God, and know my heart: Try me, and know my thoughts; And see if there be any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting."
Would you pray that to God today? I love you guys. Stay faithful. Stay the course. ENDURE!
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