Wednesday, December 1, 2010

DAY #3: December 1, 2010

Finally, the third secret of expecting the best is...


If you want to get healthy spiritually, you need to hang out with some other Godly people! David hung out with Godly, positive people. He wasn’t just facing this giant on his own. He had emotional and spiritual support. In Psalm 119:63 David says, “I’m a friend and companion to those committed to living by Your rules.” You need to associate with, you need to attach yourself to, you need to fellowship with other people of positive faith.

Who do you hang out with? Who is in your close circle of friends? Do they encourage you spiritually? Do they challenge you? Are you motivated by their Godly walk? Do they speak truth into your life? Does you faith get any support at all?

Folks, if you hang out with cynical, sarcastic, critical, negative and spiritually lazy people that’s as contagious as faith is and they will tend to infect you. If you want to be a person of great faith, of great expectations, then you need to find some people who build into your life additional faith, who help you grow. The wrong crowd will bring you down. My brother Marty taught me this statement - "Show me your friends and I'll show you your future."

Folks, this is why you need to be in a small group of believers who met regularly – who will encourage, build you, and love you! you need to be around spiritually healthy people who will shoot straight with you, speak the truth to you and walk with you through life. Hebrews 10:25 (GN) says “Let us not give up the habit of meeting together… Instead, let us encourage one another…”

If you’re not in a small group that does that for you, where are you getting your encouragement on a weekly basis? You need more VIPs in your life than VDPs. Do you know the difference? VIPs are Very Inspirational People who build up your faith. And VDPs are Very Draining People who take it out of you. Which are you? Which are your friends?

As I write this morning, I am compelled to ask - Will you be the person God wants you to be? The person God desires you to be?

I want you to ask God one question and wait for an answer. In your mind I want you to say, “God, do You want me to grow in my faith?” Then, just wait. If the answer or the impression in your heart or mind was “Yes” I want you to pray this prayer.

“Thank You God, in advance for all You’re going to do in my life. I’m expecting in faith.” I’m sure some of you are worried about a giant problem this next week – a Goliath in your life. Maybe it’s a lab report from a doctor, maybe you’ve got a situation at work, maybe your family is in some sort of difficulty, maybe you’ve got an important decision that has to be made soon. Why don’t you relax right now? Take a deep breath and trust Jesus Christ. Say, “Jesus Christ, I want to put my trust in You and expect the best. In Your name I pray. Amen.”

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