These next few days, I want to talk about the miracles of Christmas. Isaiah 7:14 (NIV) says “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.” Don’t miss the very real meaning of Christmas this year - Christmas is all about Jesus – Immanuel –which means GOD WITH US.
Folks, Christmas is all about God coming near to us. That was true 2000 years ago and it is still true today! This morning, we’re going to going to focus on the miracles of Christmas. There were four miracles that happened at Christmas time. We’re going to look at them.
That is the first MIRACLE - GOD CAME NEAR! The God of the universe chose to put skin on – He chose to be near us. Folks, it was a big deal when man walked on the moon. But it was a bigger deal when God walked on the earth. That’s the first miracle of Christmas. GOD CAME NEAR>
2010 years ago, God came to earth. You say, “God? I thought we were talking about Jesus. Isn’t it Jesus’ birthday?” Jesus is God. He said it Himself. He claimed to be God. The Bible calls Him God and He proved He was God by dying on the cross, being resurrected three days later, walked around. Everybody saw Him. Even the people who crucified Him.
Colossians 1:15-16 says, “Christ is the exact likeness of the unseen God. He existed before God made anything at all. In fact, Christ Himself is the creator who made everything in heaven and in earth.” The Bible says that Jesus Christ created this world. Jesus didn’t start in a stable. What we’re celebrating is not the beginning of Jesus Christ. What we’re celebrating is the day He came to earth.
I know a lot of people say, “I believe Jesus was a good man. I even believe He was a great teacher.” There’s only one problem with that. Jesus never claimed to be a good man. He claimed to be God. John 10:30 (MB) says “Jesus said, `We are the same – Father and Son. He is in Me, and I am in Him.’ Now, onto the miracles...
The first miracle you can’t miss at Christmas – GOD CAME NEAR - It’s the most significant event in history. All of history is split into A.D. and B.C. by this one event. Jesus Christ, who was God, is the reference point for every date in history because it was that important. Every time you write a date, who are you using as a reference point? Jesus Christ. Even atheists, people who say, “I don’t even believe in God,” use Jesus Christ as a reference point every single day of their life. That’s how important it is. It was God who came to earth.
It didn’t start out in some flashy way. He came in a simple way. It all started on one cool, clear Christmas Eve. The first miracle of Christmas was that it God came to earth – He came near us. How grateful are you for that? Don't miss that this year. Celebrate HIS birth.
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